I know my last article was really delayed but there is a reason – since I left Canterbury my tablet has not worked so I’m now trying to write from my phone and it somehow more complicate. Also I’ve continued facing some physical problem, my knees are stressed.
I arrived in Calais two week ago. My initial idea was to go to Belgium because I thought that the situation in Calais was overstressed due to the migrants issue. But that’s actually bullshit. The city was really clean and quiet, and I left it very surprised. The first day was ok, I was still limping but there were only 15 km to the first campsite, so I could take it easy.
The second day started with a heavy rain coming from the North Sea. I think that everyone in Europe is facing the same temperature. Cold wind, rain, hailstorm -it was actually the first time in my life that I could see hailstorm for five days in a row and once it even snowed. When I was in England I was thinking at the French weather with a smile in my face, poor me! Seriously guys, it’s really cold! Neither in march I was feeling it like now.
Anyway, from Calais I started to follow the Via Francigena. I’m not following a path, I’m just passing the village that Sigerico, the VIII century bishop of Canterbury, was crossing in his journey to Rome. So it’s a long walk on tarmac everyday, not so enjoyable but perfect for rainy days.
From Calais I hike South to Guines, Liques, Wisques, Bruay la Bussiere and Arras. Just in Wisques I stopped for 2 nights in a monastery. When the monks saw how I was walking, they suggested to stop at least an extra day and it was a great idea.
I could then improve my leg injury, I still have pain but I can walk. And for one day I avoided to arrive completely wet at destination.


St Paul monastery
I’m pleased and surprised of the French people I met along the way, hospitality doesn’t have any border, everyone is helping me by giving me something to drink or a piece of cake.
I am now in Arras and let’s see what come next, the weather is supposed to be better and in a few days I will arrive in Picardie.
Tag:#viefrancigene, camminare